Saturday, August 25, 2007

yo its update time

i got a callback from masada inc. yesterday. They said they wanted to ask me some questions hopefully like this: "Can we pay you 400,000 dollars a year?" of "We would like to buy you a house to live in so you can work for us"

ok the second one wasn't a question but still. Anyway, I think that it means they want me for a second interview. I also have already set up my second interview for IMG set up for the fourth of September. Continue to pray.

Also on a very important side note. UPS in Greenville, SC just had a job opening for a full time sales rep. Is this God opening doors specifically for me?? I don't know that for sure but it is awfully funny. Anyway continue to pray that i would know God's will and that He would open and close doors for me.

I apologize for the delay but i just got dsl and i've been playing madden online. But the job process is still continuing and i will update you on any changes.

I'm going to call David Jacks now to make some videos!!!


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