Monday, January 29, 2007

Why must i get so upset?

So anyway before i burst into flames with anger at something that was said yesterday morning, i would like to let everyone know that you will never ever ever get the name of the person that said this out of my mouth. Promise, and if you ask i might just rip off your ear lobes.

So to begin, I was in the car on Sunday morning after i had just taken the family picture and sat that for about 5-10 minutes in prayer. I was praying that God would show up and that He would speak in my life and let me know where He was leading me in certain decisions in my life. I think that I am extremely close to a decision however. One that will be the best for myself and those around me. So after i prayed i got outta the car and went into church.

As i am waiting for the service to begin a person comes up and in the middle of a conversation we are having they say to me: "It's not like God is going to do anything here today anyway." That person goes on to clarify with: "He will do things in individuals life but definitely not as a corporate body."

First of all for the first time in my life i can honestly say that while i was fuming inside i kept my cool. In the past i would have wrecked there world with a bold statement that instead of teaching them anything would have created a gap in the relationship between me and this person.

However, i was still stinkin mad. I was told after praying a couple of years ago that God shows up at our church because people are praying, reading their Bible, and are following God. And i took my slap on the wrist and decided not to go further but not this time. I've had it.

Many things anger me but this one is now going to be apparent to everyone so listen up. Do not i repeat do not put God into a box and put limitations on what he can and can't do! We learn deep theological truths like whatever God does is just so while i believe that yes He blesses those that do those things does not in anyway mean that God has to save a hundred people or ten people or any people for Him to show up and do a work in people's lives.

God is in no way a puppet that is on strings and can only move in directions previously laid out. By the way why did Jesus heal people and talk to people even when there was no difference going to be made in their lives. Ex: the rich young ruler, the man healed at the pool of Bethesda. There are no clear indications that these people in any way made a change in their lives spiritually.

God is working in our church. Individually and corporately we are being transformed to take the next step that God has for us. So quit being so close minded and angry and bored. It is a reflection on what you expect God to do with unfavorable circumstances.

Preaching not good, people asleep, and you are talking about God not able to do anything corporately. I'm appalled angered and disgusted at this kind of attitude. But before you all jump on the bandwagon, you are probably there too.

What kind of attitude do you come to church with? Do you yearn to see God do something miraculous? Or do you seriously doubt anything with a lasting impact can happen?

In case you forgot when everything was "good" in your eyes, people prayed God we beg for you to fall down, we don't know or understand why you have blessed us in such a way but we beg you not to take your hand away from us.

Now when we need prayer like this more than ever we fall short. Look into your hearts and see if you really yearn to see God do amazing things for people or are you just waiting for yours, your little drop of blessing.

I'm so mad about this if you couldn't tell so there is no SSS today. Later though i promise. I'm out!

1 comment:

Josh said...

This is something God has been dealing with me about.