Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Sims UPS style

First of all i would like to report to all of you Fed-Ex junkees out there that you ran 9.8 million on your heaviest day of the year, while your competition ran 22 million for 4 days in a row think you can match up with the big dogs? I think not. Anyways today in hub school we talked with a big wig. His name was Bob Cowhen basically he's like 5 down from the CEO! He shook my hand and asked me my name and stuff. And while im in the competitive mood let me mention that while Fed Ex is huge in Memphis. The number one district in all of UPS is also the Mid-South so just remember that we were, are and will be the best. But getting to hear him talk and ask him questions was extremely interesting to me. But i just thought i would mention that to all of you out there.

Now on to the subject of my post. We have 20 people in our class all part-time sups. Divided into 5 teams of 4 people a piece. We are each given different assignments throughout and all together are in a competition to become hub champions! One of those things is a 6 round business simulation complete with virtual employees and problems that can occur on the job and as a team we must decide from a list of options the best route to take with our employees. The decisions affect skill, morale, and how they feel about us as a supervisor, this in turn determines our belt's performance (misloads, mistoggles, mispicks, safety, etc.). Not only is our team first but also there is a large gap between us and the next team. We have had zero employee turnovers, drastic improvement in all areas of production and overall increases in skill and morale. But this is what i have learned through this crazy business video game. When you spend time with your people and aren't too busy to help them become the best. They will get better. They will learn. They will achieve and make gains you never thought possible.

Why can't churches and more importantly church leaders take this approach to leadership? Why can we here our ministers from the pulpit but how often are they spending time with their congregation. How crazy would it be if we canceled church one Sunday to all go minister to homeless people. How about donate all of the money that we took up in the offering to a family that needed our help without asking for an extra love offering. Why don't we stress to our people that they need training. They need guidance more than words and counsel but on the job training.

Parents, you are on the frontlines every day. Spend time with your kids. Dads spend time with your kids they need you. They need you to train them for the battle that is life.

I find myself frustrated I am being fed with so much meaningful stuff at my job but so much la di da stuff at my church. I am losing the passion that i once welled inside. Im not afraid to say it. I'm being taught more at UPS how important people are than I am at church! Absurd but true. Im becoming frustrated and confused. Am i in freak out prov. 3:5-6 which was yesterday's reading urged me to rely on God and trust Him. There are reasons why everything happens don't rely on what you know but wait it out and God will show you. That is my life story right now. Waiting...just waiting. Burn with passion show your students, children, adults that you care and want them to succeed and most importanly show them how to do it. Keeping up with my resolution so far should be more to come

I'm out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen JC. I believe you. As a parent, I love to spend time with my children. To what do I get in reward, my daughter has asked me to go on her senior spring break trip with her and a friend. I am honored she would ask me to do such a thing.

Don't grow weary in well doing my friend.
