Saturday, May 26, 2007

10 days is a long time

I've been in the Atl the past week for my cousin's graduation and kristen is in town so there has been an obvious delay.

I'm posting to raise the awareness of where i'm at right now. I am almost finished with a book called 7 Biblical Truths you won't hear in church by David A. Rich.

Its very good but i have some problems with one of the chapters. Its called Living for Jesus will frustrate you.

It talks about how trying to live for Jesus is unbiblical. And so is trying to repay Him. The logic and summary of the chapter is that God will accomplish His will in you no matter what which leaves me to think to myself what in the heck am I supposed to be here for.

I know that God is all powerful and that He in no way needs me understand that i truly do understand all of that but where do my day to day actions fit in. Its not explained very well by Mr. Rich so im trying to find an answer if you get a chance pick up the book its really good.

But more than anything read your Bible its got all the answers. and if you have anything to help me with this subject please comment and let me know im trying to find some information on it. Thanks.

Love you guys and i wouldn't expect another blog for awhile at least until Kristen leaves. I'm kinda busy for a change!!!!

I'm out!!!

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