Tuesday, October 03, 2006

So many thoughts...

Well i couldn't really decide what to write about today because there has been alot on my mind the last two days. But just an update on me will suffice for now. I've been struggling with my call to ministry but only because of my growth in interest in another area of my life. I have been into marketing from my first principles class in high school and continue to be fueled with my passion of knowing what people want and being able to display the best way to let them know that we have exactly what they are looking for. My passion for people is shown in this way that everyone is searching just like when you go out to buy some kind of large purchase like a TV or a computer and you do all the research but are still looking for the deal of a lifetime. Well as a marketing man i have to express in my most heartfelt opinion that our product is not only better than everyone else's but that there is some reason that your life will be missing something if you don't experience our product. So my passion for people and Christ are fueled by this tool that God has given me. I have thought and thought and thought but never really focused on what to do with my life but now time is running out or so it seems and i will have to make a decision very soon on in which way can God use me to have the most impact in my lifetime.

I have thought about being a pastor, a children's pastor, an executive pastor, a student pastor. Also i have considered working through the corporate world to earn my living there and invest in people and programs that will benefit the body of Christ. I have thought of writing books to help people truly live out the song they sang as children "this lil light of mine, im gonna let it shine" and now im considering opening a marketing firm when i have some money for churches to allow them to have as many resources possible to reach the people of their community with the message of Jesus Christ. All these thoughts going on inside of my head at the same time creates sort of a jumbled mess.

All this to say that as i was listening to Charles Stanley today on the radio he asked when was the last time that you got on your knees for more than one day in a month sought God's face to discover His will for your life. He said that it took Him eight years to know. It might take more for me to wade through the clouds of uncertainty but i have a renewed sense of urgency to discover where God wants to take me. I urge you all to do the same.

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