Wednesday, October 25, 2006

just thinking....

yeah so the last couple of days ive been thinking about life. Its advising time at school when you go into a cramped lil office so some guy can tell you what classes you can take and you say ok sign the paper and leave. So this wonderful time in my life where i gain much needed insight (that is sarcasm) gets me to thinking. No but seriously ive been thinking of my future career and just thoughts about where im going and where im going to end up and all kinds of crazy things. Kristen came into town this past weekend and we had so much fun. Its so sad when we have to separate again for like another month but God has used our separation (distance not in our relationship) for so many awesome things. An increase in trust, communication, and the thing that i didn't see coming was a thirst for God. Since she has been back from ol Argentina the connection has been as vibrant as i would have liked to have with God but maybe its not a bad thing maybe i needed a break from searching and striving to relax and just be happy with where God has me at. I have renewed my commitment to my job and the kids in my ss class bcuz as i realized this week i haven't spent as much time with them as i want to. And even though i was with the love of my life this weekend i was very dissappointed with the fact that i didn't get to hang out with my high schoolers. Besides all that i also am trying to seek God in what he wants me to do when im done with my first degree. Do i just find a job as a salesman or something similar and wait to get another degree then start doing things that i've dreamt of doing my whole life or do i start right after college? Do i get married immediately after college or do i get settled in order to make things a much easier transition? Questions just flowing through my mind constantly. Oh yeah and i just thought i would mention this school is killing me lately i may have like a below 3.0 semester or at least that is what im looking at possibly worst case scenario. Plus with work starting to roll into peak season im struggling to find the time for all my necessary activities. I realized this week that i put in around 48 hours a week with school and work that are required not to mention the 8 hours i lose driving everyday. so around 56 of the 85 hours are consumed leaving not much time for studying and homework. Unless i don't eat and if you know me that is a definite no-no. And yes i did this math on my own. But time management has never been a superb strength in my repetoire but its not horrible either but i need to improve in order to maximize my efficiency. Sorry business major jargon. Anyway just keep thinking and praying about me. I need it and i can't wait to start my alumni status. O to graduate!!!!

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