Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Goals vs. Mission

First before i start not going to talk about atmosphere. Second I am going to talk about something that is relevant.

If you know me one word you would probably use to describe me is driven. If not then you probably don't know me well enough. I learned something in my advertising and promotion class today that has never been clearly defined ever before and i think that it will help us all.

A mission is a reason for existence. Goals are things that you do to reach your mission. Usually we see these terms as synonymous but they are clearly different.

So i ask you what is your mission??? Why are you here on earth??? Why do you exist???

I would venture to say that we don't clearly have that defined but when we do it will keep us focused on what our goals should be.

SSS: New Banana Pudding shake i haven't tried it but i love banana so im super excited. Go get one now!!!

I'm Out!!!

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